No Amnesty Without Repentance: What are some issues at stake in this ongoing conversation?

Many of you reading this blog would by now be familiar with the much vaunted and talked about article in The Atlantic by Emily Oster, an economist at Brown University in the U.S.A.

If you missed it, here is a link to Oster’s article published on the 31 October this year, with the headlined title, “Let’s Declare a Pandemic Amnesty: Let’s focus on the future, and fix the problems we still need to solve.” I won’t rehash her views and proposals here, so do familiarise yourself with them by reading the article:

Almost immediately after Oster’s article appeared, there have been several responses from many key voices who take serious issue with Oster’s proposal. Let me mention just two of these and provide links to their voices which you are encouraged to read and reflect on more deeply for yourselves.

The first response to Emily Oster is by Charles Eisenstein, “Amnesty-Yes. And Here is the Price” (3 November, 2022):

The second is by Del Bigtree, host of The Highwire who talks to Oster’s amnesty proposal in the first part of Episode 292 (first 15 minutes), which for the most part deals with a new and soon-to-be-released documentary film “Nitrogen 2000” by James Patrick, and related matters. While open to the possibility of an amnesty, Bigtree asks: “So what are we supposed to forgive?” Go here to read and view more on Bigtree’s responses to Oster in the detailed piece that has been published on the Vigilant Fox substack, featuring many photos from the above episode on The Highwire episode:

Bigtree inquires, in response to those calling for a Covid amnesty:  

“You see, this is the problem. We are not even through this situation, and I have not heard you articulate — I’m still listening — I’m still listening for exactly what it is you understand I’m supposed to forgive you for. Because there’s a word that goes along with forgiveness … and that word is repent. You see, in order to deserve to be forgiven, you must articulate what you’re being forgiven for. That’s called repenting.”

In related ways, both Charles Eisenstein and Del Bigtree speak for many, many millions of us across the globe who have questioned and critiqued the dominant science, medical, media, and government responses to SARS-CoV-2 and Covid-19.  

And, we would share the deep concerns and misgivings about any proposal for a blanket-Covid amnesty, and join the calls for a ‘repentance’ by collectives and individuals if ever any talk of an amnesty can be entertained in any serious way. There is can be no forgiveness, at least on a human and relational level, without there being a considered journey on the part of the perpetrators of these obviously criminal activities to acknowledge and turn away from the harm-inducing and deadly ways of thinking and acting, and towards a clear change of the mind, heart, and self with regard to the travesty, trauma, and tragedy that they are implicated in – overtly or covertly.

There are now emerging and compelling data and evidence that point to the devastating and deadly consequences for millions and millions of human-beings throughout the world as a result of the relentless fear-mongering, enforced lockdowns, heavy censorships, egregious controls and coercions of various forms, and then this obsession with a one-size-fits-all ‘vaccine’ regiment that many experts have warned is harmful, injurious, dangerous, and deadly for human beings. In this regard, The Highwire with host Del Bigtree offers you cutting-edge commentary and revelations about what has gone down over the last two-and-half years through the concerted and orchestrated mainstream lies, fraud, corruption, collusion, disinformation, and misinformation on the so-called Covid pandemic. Go to for the telegram channel that provides the links to the podcasts over the months, or source information on other alternative media streams.

From early on in the Covid-19 madness, going back to 2020, I came to question the mainstream narratives. I read, listened to, questioned, researched, reflected on, and shared my own written responses in various ways where I could (e.g. poems, blogs, social media posts, and occasionally published newsprint articles). I raised serious concerns and questions about the dominant drivers of the fear-mongering narratives. I drew on many of the respected experts featured on alternative platforms, all of whom were being vilified, ridiculed, and censored by the mainstream cabals.

Being a person of both deep curiosity and deep (Christian) faith, I have been especially disappointed with the levels of compliance of Christians and Churches throughout the Covid fiasco. As someone living in South Africa, I directed some of my questions and criticism towards those who were among the controllers and spreaders of the uncritical Church dogma on Covid. One such group was the South African Council of Churches (SACC). In September, 2021 I posted this call on the SACC Facebook page at a time when I was still active on this social media platform (which I have since left completely, following several censorships of my posts). Here is my earliest post to the SACC which I have left  unedited:


Be compassionate & courageous enough to play your truly human-honouring and prophetic role during this kairos moment! 

You are correct to state that not all who get Covid-19 or it’s variants die or will die! Fear-mongering that makes people believe that death is the sentence this virus bestows is mainstream media driven! In fact, the percentage of deaths attributed to Covid-19 is minuscule compared to many other diseases-of-poverty that goes less treated, less focused on, and less talked about right now. History will reveal the scandal and inhumanity of global Public health services and care during these last 18 months! 

However, SACC, you betray the Message of true healing for S.A. by seeming to kowtow to the dominant narratives that only the one-size-fits-all vaccine is the elixir, the prevention, the cure ! Here you betray humanity and betray S.A. Citizens! There are proven, well attested research, and evidence-based early & post Covid-19 treatments that are being censored, ignored, ridiculed, even as millions have died, quite preventable! And many continue to die, because they are denied alternative and healing treatments!

SACC! You are turning away from your prophetic role by being a voice for power and money, whether inadvertently of by deliberate intent! 

This is not where the Jesus I believe in would be found. He was not someone who suckered up to or got cosy with imperial controls or agendas. He was committed to true Healing and true Health!

SACC! If you truly care about Truth, about Healing, about Love that Jesus embodied, spoke about, and demonstrated, then take a leading role in setting up open Public dialogues that invite in those currently marginalised; demonized, censored, shut out, shouted down as ‘conspiratorial’ voices or ‘misinformation- of medical experts, scientists, lawyers, researchers and professionals who are refusing to tow the line set by the rich and powerful! Yet who are deeply committed to health and well-being. Insist that their voices he heard and engaged with publicly and openly! Unless you traffic in apartheid styled censorship & bullying of the underdogs. Defend their rights too!  Who are you to judge and cast stones?!

Stop peddling narrow ideas and agendas, and call for an urgent Public dialogue on Health and Healing that matters!!

And I pray those who support you so confidently will pause, reflect, and truly ponder the position they are taking right  now. My sense is this position is anti-human, anti-Gospel, and anti-Jesus!

Let voices below dare to step up, call for and encourage you to set up open, Public dialogues that this Government, this Public Health ministry, this mainstream media refuse to do and even prevent!”

I received no response from the SACC or openness to further engagement; simply a dismissive silence!”

Again, a few months later in November, 2021, I issued a further challenge to the SACC:

“My challenge to the SACC and other faith spokespersons

I challenge the SACC and other faith spokespersons here who advocate covid-19 vaccination so uncritically as seemingly the only ‘remedy for the virus. It is not, and any sensible human-being and person of faith will know this deep down.

There are many alternative and well-researched, and carefully articulated medical professional and scientific views that are currently being heavily censored, ridiculed, demonised and prevented from participating openly and respectfully in matters related to Covid-9. The dominant narratives insist that vaccines alone are the “cure”, the “preventative option” to “fight the virus”. Listen to your language, scrutinise your message!

There are other powerful early treatments that prevent severe illness and unnecessary deaths. And you should know this!

I’m concerned that in a show of ‘pastoral care’ for its congregants and the public, the SACC and other faith spokespersons and many are losing their ‘prophetic call,’ to be courageous enough to ‘speak truth to powers.’

I challenge the SACC and those in its circle of influence to dare to break with the stranglehold of controls and censorship, and the ‘one-size-fits-all’ narratives! Be bold to set up several OPEN, PUBLIC DIALOGUES with experts from ALL perspectives on this virus and on vaccination, and let them engage honestly, respectfully, and critically with one another. And then, let the people decide. Then, let the people make informed choices.

Soon enough, the SACC and others could likely decide to sanction entry into the church for only “vaccinated,” and have in place (in the name of “protocols”) that the unvaccinated either go through additional rituals to gain entry or be scapegoated and excluded. Please, don’t tell me this is the quality and practice of faith that Jesus would condone and enforce. You know the Gospel messages!

Be bold! Drop your protection of and uncritical defense of the powerful in this divisive world of Covid. Let the marginalised voices be given the opportunity to speak. Then, let fully informed choices be made. The VOOMA appeal is a patronising disgrace, a blackmailing with money in order for get folk to serve this dominant programme.

Please, be bold! Let’s get open conversations going, not the one-sided messages of coercion!”

Once again, I have as today received no response from the SACC to this post of mine! No engagement whatsoever!

Over the months, I have had some engagements with several folk within the Christian faith tradition, and with some others. I have journalled accounts of my engagements, and filed records of some of my conversations with folk as they played out on social media plaforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, and Linked-In , all of which I have since left because of various forms of censorship I experienced through the months. While some people have been supportive and have openly engaged, there have been others who have disagreed with me and with the evidence being shared by alternative science, medicine, and media voices. Some social media advocates of the mainstream narratives have even chosen vilification and vitriol; many more (even those among family, friends, and colleagues) have chosen silence, apathy, and indifference, rather than open inquiry, open-hearted conversation, and open-willed responses. Most have fallen in line with the dominant reports and protocols, and have remained largely compliant and uncritical (at least within the public domains).

All of this compliance and refusal to wrestle with truth-seeking and truth-telling led me to compose this short poem, directed at Christians in South Africa and everywhere:

Where are all the Christians gone?

Jesus followers, so they preach,

Yet brazen singing the imperial song,

Putting love and truth beyond our reach;

Jesus weeps, he asks you ‘Why?’

There is so much truth,

And you choose the lie!

© Roger Arendse 20211121

Over the coming days and weeks, I may look to share other conversations I’ve had with some others around Covid, vaccines, and mandates. This will be one further attempt to have a record of some of ways in which sympathisers and followers of the mainstream have chosen to react when confronted with alternative data and views. I also encourage readers here to share some of your own stories and experiences for the benefit of all of us. History will surely look back on all of these conflicting and contesting narratives, policies, and protocols, and it will have to adjudicate on where real truth, goodness, courage, humanity, and faith really is to be found.

And so, before we rush unthinkingly, prematurely, and emotionally into any talks of “amnesty,” let us sit much longer with the steady flow of emerging facts and data that demonstrate the grave and egregious mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual harms, injuries, and deaths that have been caused to millions of our fellow sisters and brothers across the globe over the last few years. And let us continue the urgent call for full disclosure of the falsehoods and fraud that have been perpetrated, and for forms of repentance (public and personal) before any talk of ‘amnesty’ can ever be entertained.

About rogerarendse001

Roger Arendse is a certified and qualified Life Excellence and Spiritual Coach, trained in the school of Integral Coaching. He runs his own practice, Eagle Coaching - Presence, Possibility, Praxis which serves executives, leaders, managers, educators, entrepreneurs, learners, and spiritual seekers. He is a trained Facilitator-Coach at the No-Name-Initiative (nni) that specializes in transformational dialogue and accountable actions within public and private contexts. He also describes himself as a Poet & Pilgrim and uses poetry to describe the variety of his lived experiences. As an integral coach, Roger’s coaching works creatively and supportively with clients: to open them up to new possibilities in life and work and to unleash their fullest potential, to help them overcome 'blind spots' and embrace challenges as opportunities for change, and to empower them to make responsible choices to live a more balanced, purposeful and passionate life. He is committed to the holistic care, growth development and empowerment of each client. He accepts each client as someone with unique abilities, talents, gifts, and creative potential. He has been coaching since 2007 and has experience in coaching clients at junior, middle, and senior levels in corporate and non-corporate environments. He relishes every opportunity to work with clients from diverse backgrounds, secular or spiritual, and with those who are curious to achieve deeper levels of personal mastery in their lives; who want to move beyond limiting beliefs and resistance into new possibilities and abundance; who are keen to grow leadership and managerial competencies; who are dealing with personal and professional change and transition in their lives and want to reorient towards a new goal and new path in life; and who are committed to exploring a new ‘way of being’ (vertical transformation) to support their 'way of being' (horizonal transformation). Roger is a fully accredited practitioner of the Enneagram, certified in the Leadership Circle Profile, and a certified TEFL/TESOL teacher through the Global Language Training, United Kingdom. Roger has been on the coaching panel of several service providers, including Coaching Matters (UCT), the Nelson Mandela School of Public Governance (formerly, the Graduate School of Development Policy and Practice (UCT)), Schuitema Human Excellence Group, Acorn Projects 76, Shine Global, SACAP, SEED and Dinaledi (Education), the Social Enterprise Academy (SA), and AVI (National Brands Ltd). Roger has an advanced 12-month Professional Coaching Course from the Centre for Coaching (Graduate School of Business, University of Cape Town) and New Ventures West (USA) – fully accredited through the International Coaching Federation (ICF). He has delivered and published academic research papers and chapters in books and has participated in academic and public seminars and conferences. Roger is an avid student of life and thrives on new challenges. He loves the outdoors, enjoys hiking, and is an enthusiastic runner and cyclist. He is happily married with two grown children and a beautiful grandson.
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